
Why organize conferences on the collective?

29 May 2023






Sarah Durieux is Co-Director of Multitudes Foundation, a European foundation to reimagine politics: who holds power, how it is exercised and how people connect to it.
Lecturer, expert and educator in activism and collective organization, she is particularly committed to fostering approaches of collective empouvoirement: she launched and directed Change France, co-founded the “Rencontre des Justices” and “Quartier Général”, groups of activists engaged in the French legislative and presidential elections of 2022.


Thanks to of her experience, she shares her vision on the importance of working collectively and developing relationships of trust for fruitful collaborations.
As an experienced speaker, she understands the importance of these principles in the business world and the positive impact they can have on an organization.


As she explains in this video, collective action begins by connecting people. For her, “people before project” is a fundamental principle in the collective organization. It’s about building strong relationships before thinking about how we can work together. By fostering trust and the development of authentic bonds, collectives can build on solid foundations.



Another essential aspect of collective action is the sharing of power. The speaker emphasized the importance of sharing responsibilities in a transparent and fair manner.
By accepting that each member brings their skills and takes over parts of the project, power is shared in a balanced way. This approach not only makes it possible to be more powerful and resilient as a group, but also to foster a dynamic of harmonious collaboration.


Finally, the expert stresses the importance of sharing resources to build strong and sustainable collectives. This includes financial resources, access to information, professional relations and specific skills. By sharing these resources, members of a collective can work more efficiently and optimize their results.



In short, for Sarah Durieux, speaker, expert and activist educator, collective action involves connecting people, sharing power and sharing resources. These essential principles promote healthy collaborations, strengthen collectives and allow them to last over time. By following these wise advice of S arah Durieux, companies and organizations can build relationships of trust, develop powerful collectives and succeed in their projects by working together in a collaborative and harmonious way.



If you are looking for an experienced speaker and activist expert to inspire your organization to put these collective principles into practice, contact our speaker agency, Minds. Contact us today to learn how our agency of speakers can help you create a strong and prosperous collective.

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